Layer 06

I constraints di Oracle

sys ed eseguite questa query:

select,      a.owner,      b.table_name,      a.constraint_name,      b.column_name,      b.position,      a.r_constraint_name,      c.column_name,      c.position,      c.table_name r_table_name,      a.r_owner from      (select           owner,           constraint_name,           r_constraint_name,           r_owner,1 tt      from           dba_constraints      where           owner=upper(‘mioUtente‘)           and table_name=upper(‘miaTabella‘)           and constraint_type!=’C’      union      select           owner,           constraint_name,           r_constraint_name,           r_owner,2      from           dba_constraints      where           (r_constraint_name,r_owner) in           (select                constraint_name,                owner           from                dba_constraints           where                owner=upper(‘mioUtente‘)                and table_name=upper(‘miaTabella‘))           ) a,      dba_cons_columns b,      dba_cons_columns c where      b.constraint_name=a.constraint_name      and b.owner=a.owner      and c.constraint_name=a.r_constraint_name      and c.owner=a.r_owner      and b.position=c.position order by 1,2,3,4,5

Dopo questo lunghissimo script SQL otterremo una tabella conn descritti i constraint che legano la tabella “miaTabella” (segnata in grassetto nello script) con le altre tabella, viene visualizzato anche qual’è il campo che fa da merge. Dovreste sostituire mioUtente e miaTabelle con i veri nomi dell’utente e della tabella che volete analizzare.
